liked it as hell
really i see nothing but potential here , as a ZOE fan i watched it just for nostagia's sake , but you really impressed me , your backgrounds and overal stills are amazing , you really captured the zone ofthe enders vibe , and their nicely finished and detailed . Also the FBF jehuty was neatly animated . I you want to improve i'd say keep playing those cards ! your animations themeselves were about average , i guess you should try making some where stuff really moves all around the place , not just arms swinging and so . i liked the voices , but i'm afraid this flash might not get all teh credit it deserves by the whole , not another egoraptor spoof thingie , well egoraptor or not i found it amused me quite a bit what i can't say about all of raptor's flashes these says . 'kay maybe i'm not that good at reviewing as i used to be , but i'm sure looking forward to see more from you , all you need to improve is more of the same really , do everything you did here but try making it a little longer , bigger , and ... i don't know try to cross afew lines maybe , the humour is pretty safe and predictable even though it was entertaining. i'm actually wondering what semi serious movie made by you would look like ? try one maybe ?
to sum it all up this asks for a series ort something , with robots!! thrust me if you can do robots , stick to robots ; )